Total Volatile Organic Compunds

The Total Volatile Organic Compound (TVOC) level is a measurement of the sum of all of the volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) found in an air sample.  The TVOC is an important indication of the overall air quality in a building because there has been so much information on the TVOC levels collected over the years, and using this data scientists have been able to put together the table shown below that provide a good indication of the overall indoor air quality.


It is important to also measure the individual VOC compounds in order to understand what is contributing to the TVOC if it is high, so action can be taken to reduce exposure and the TVOC level.


The TVOC level does  not distinguish between chemicals that may be toxic and those that are not, so in addition to looking at the TVOC levels, the levels of the individual chemicals found in the air sample should be evaluated. 

There are no regulatory standards for TVOC’s so these levels should serve as a guideline

TVOC Level  ug/m3

Level of Concern



Less than 300


No irritation or discomfort is expected.

There is a low likelihood that specific VOC sources are present

300 to 500


Occasional irritation or discomfort may be possible with sensitive individuals.

There is a low to moderate likelihood that specific VOC sources are present

500 to 1000


Complaints about irritation and discomfort are possible in sensitive individuals

A moderate likelihood that specific VOC sources are it is recommended that steps be taken to identify the sources

1000 to 3000


Irritation and discomfort are very likely

A high likelihood that specific VOC sources are present and it is highly recommended that steps be taken to identify them.

More than 3000

Very High

Irritation and discomfort are very possible.

These levels are usually found in an industrial environment where workers are exposed to chemicals