EAS offers analytical services and sample collection eqiupment for soil gas testing.
Contact EAS
(805) 781-3585
Summary of Common Soil Gas Analysis Methods
EAS offers a wide range of analytical services, but the table below lists the common tests used for soil gas analysis.
Method |
Description |
Sample Media |
EPA TO-15 |
Volatile Organic Compounds |
Canister |
Low Level VOC Compounds |
Canister |
EPA TO-17 |
Volatile Organic Compounds |
Sorbent Cartridge |
EPA TO-17 |
Naphthalene |
Tenax Cartridge |
Helium Tracer | Canister, Bag |
EPA TO-15 | 1,1-DFA Tracer, Other Tracers | Canister, Bag |
EPA 15/16 | Reduced Sulfur Gases | Silco Canister, Bag |